The Great White Shark

The Great White Shark
The Apex Predator Of The Sea

Monday, August 22, 2011


FINNING----the inhumane, cruel, horrific process of cutting sharks' fins off and then leaving the shark to die (whether by throwing it overboard, back into the ocean or on the shore). The shark either bleeds to death, suffocates and drowns (a shark has to constantly move in order to breathe), or gets eaten alive by other sharks.

Every year over 10 million sharks succumb to this awful death, all for a bowl of shark-fin soup. Hong Kong and China are notorious for this type of murder. Believe it or not, sharks feel pain. And whether or not you fear them, hate them, don't want to have anything to do with them, sharks DO NOT deserve this type of treatment. Thankfully, there are many campaigns against shark finning, and as more and more people discover this heinous practice, the more people are wanting to do something about it.


  1. Maybe someone should do the same to some of those fishermen. That's just so not okay on so many levels.

  2. Shark finning is an awful process and should be banned, but we also must convince people that shark fin soup is not worth this atrocity. Unfortunately changing culture is very complicated.

  3. i love sharks i will be a marine bio and ps this is bull shit that they do this
