The Great White Shark

The Great White Shark
The Apex Predator Of The Sea

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tiger Sharks

Tiger sharks are most notoriously known as the "ocean's garbage-cans" for they eat anything and everything they can sink their teeth into. They actually have such unique and sharp teeth that they are able to cut through not only flesh, but also bones as well as turtle shells! Besides eating whatever they can find swimming in the ocean, tiger sharks mostly eat seals, sea turtles, sea birds, other sharks, dolphins, fish, and even sea snakes! Not picky at all :)

Tiger sharks are one of the biggest species of shark alive today. They can even rival the Great White Sharks with their size. Usually, they are at least 16 feet in length but females on average reach 18 feet long. On average, Tiger sharks weigh approximately 849-1,400 pounds!!!
Tiger sharks are usually found in tropical and temperate waters. They seem to favor the temperature of the Pacific Islands in particular.

Tiger sharks are extremely solitary creatures and ususally do their hunting at night. They are able to detect electric fields from any object in the ocean and can also detect minute vibrations in the water which allows the Tiger sharks to be extremely efficient at hunting their prey at night. Their heads are 'wedge-shaped' which them to turn abruptly to one side.

Tiger sharks possess EXCELLENT eye-sight and a highly acute sense of smell that allows them to react to very faint traces of blood and follow them to the source!! Due to the high risk of attacks, dolphins often avoid regions that are inhabited by Tiger sharks!!!

***Tiger sharks are ranked as one of the most dangerous species of shark. Although Tiger shark attacks on humans are HIGHLY RARE, they are responsible for a considerable percentage of fatal attacks on humans. ***** (In other words, if you happen to be swimming in the ocean and see one of these sharks it would be best to get the heck away from them as soon as possible).

Females mate approximately once every three years. The mating process is EXTREMELY PAINFUL for the female, for the male has to bite down on her back in order to hold on to her as they swim along. (This doesn't just occur for this species of shark). Females usually have enormous amounts of scars along their backs because of this.

The eggs hatch internally and are born fully developed. The young develop inside of the mother for 16 months! Obviously, this is an extremely long time and baby Tiger sharks have been known to eat their under-developed brothers and sisters INSIDE OF THE WOMB.

Currently, scientists do not know how long Tiger sharks can live, however there have been Tiger sharks recorded to be over 12 years old.

The most notable shark attack involving the Tiger shark occurred in October of 2003, when American surfer, Bethany Hamilton was surfing and was bit, causing her to lose her entire arm. Along with giving inspirational speeches she continues to surf today. It is believed (although not 100% confirmed) that she was attacked by a 19-foot-male Tiger shark.

****Tiger sharks are captured and killed for their fins, flesh, and liver. With this being a continuing trend, Tiger sharks will inevitably go from being a threatened species to an endangered one. The question is only a matter of how much time that will take.  

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