The Great White Shark

The Great White Shark
The Apex Predator Of The Sea

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Great Victories for Sharks!!!

We are doing something right ladies and gentlemen!!!

According to the amazing Shark Research Institute, Chile has completely banned shark finning in their waters.
Honduras claimed over 90,000 miles as a shark sanctuary (meaning that no matter the circumstances, if sharks are in that region, killing them is ILLEGAL)!!
The Bahamas claimed over 240,000 miles as a shark sanctuary as well.
Finally, The Marshall Islands, Palau, and Guam claimed OVER 2 MILLION MILES as a shark sanctuary.

Here at home, Oregon, Washington, and California have outlawed the trade of shark fins!

These are obviously huge accomplishments for our notorious apex predator of the ocean. The stricter we are on shark finning the better our Earth's health and survival will be. We still have an enormous amount of work to do to reverse the devastating damage that humans have caused, half of the known 400 species of sharks are still ENDANGERED!!! But with continued awareness and research we can help sharks regain their numbers.

The Shark Research Institute is the leading organization in promoting sharks' interests, educating people about sharks, and giving them a voice, and I am proud to be a member. Their continuous research has helped several species of sharks gain numbers and their relentless stance in promoting shark conservation has (and will continue to) decrease the destruction of our apex predator of the ocean . I am honored to be a small part in this organization. If you would like to check them out, their website is

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