The Great White Shark

The Great White Shark
The Apex Predator Of The Sea

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Whale Sharks

Known mostly for their enormous size and docile behavior, Whale Sharks are largest fish species that are threatened to become extinct. Scientists have discovered that this species has been around for over 60 million years and has a life span of about 70 years.
Whale Sharks gravitate to warmer waters, especially in the tropical areas. Every spring, Whale Sharks migrate towards the continental shelf off of the coast of Australia.
The gestation period of a Whale Shark is unknown, however, in 1996, a female Whale Shark was captured and was pregnant with over 300 pups. The pups hatch inside the mother and stay in her for an unknown amount of time. When they are born, Whale Shark pups are approximately 16-24 inches long.
It is believed that Whale Sharks reach sexual maturity at approximately 30 years of age.

The largest Whale Shark ever mentioned was 40 feet long, but they are known to get even bigger than that. The average size of male Whale Sharks recorded is approximately over 31 feet and 20,000 pounds. In relation to a bus, a whale shark is as big, IF NOT BIGGER than an average school bus.

Whale Sharks usually have gray, blue, or brown spots or stripes covering their tops, while they have white underbellies.
Most notably, Whale Sharks are known for the huge contradiction of their enormous size, and docile behavior. Whale Sharks do not have sharp teeth like other species of sharks do. They have BALEENS which is sort of like a filter system. The baleens are so tightly packed together that it catches the Whale Sharks' prey...plankton. Anything too big would not be able to pass through, which is why if a human were to ever get accidentaly caught in their enormous mouths (it has been alleged that this has happened before although there is not any verifiable proof) they would be spit out immediately :)

When Whale Sharks are confronted by humans, they usually swim past them, minding their own business, and sometimes humans are even able to hitch a ride alongside these massive, gorgeous creatures. However, some scientists suggest that this is not a good idea, one of the reasons being that this is an animal in his/her natural habitat and should be respected and left alone.

Whale Sharks, are by far one of the sweetest, most peaceful creatures in our Oceans. It is beyond unfortunate and heartbreaking that they are continued to be murdered in parts of Asia, for example the Phillippines and Taiwan.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy this blog Its helping me learn alot Im a huge shark fan alot of people say that but Im am an extreme shark fan ! Thanks for writting this blog!
